• Phone: +1 (310) 339-0930
  • Email: ez@lamercacompany.com
SIM Method

What is it about?

The SIM Method comes from years of investigation, study and analysis from our team at La Merca Factory. We have been developing our own success formula for almost a decade.

The SIM Method has become the perfect combination of elements to succeed and reach goals for companies and their digital marketing strategies.

Our SIM brings the exact combination of ingredients to reach the goals established by our strategic allies.

What does SIM mean?

S + I + M

I: Inbound
M: Marketing

Why did we create the SIM Method?


Every company wants their marketing budget to generate sales and a ROI above the average, and always get better results from their digital ad investment.

The main problem is that most of the companies do not have a Digital Marketing area or do not follow best SEM practices.

The SIM Method, created by La Merca Factory, is the perfect combination to help companies reach the following goals:

1. Attract new customers and convert the into quality leads.
2. Close more sales in an efficient way.
3. Make your clients ambassadors of your brand.

What will you accomplish?


Fast Results

Fast Results

You will have results since day one. You will eliminate frustration caused by campaigns that do not work and also get a better ROI.
Conversion Increase

Conversion Increase

With the SIM Method you will increase the number of conversions, turning into more sales.
Better quality for your brand

Better quality for your brand

Your customers will be happy and more attracted to your brand, since you will be delivering valuable content.
Better presence with your clients

Better presence with your clients

You will always be top of mind with your customers.
Client Seduction

Client Seduction

Customers will come to you without having to look for them.
Born Inbounders

We are Inbounders

At La Merca Factory we use every Digital Marketing strategy before any process automation.

We believe in humanizing brands. Sales will always increase once people start to engage emotionally with your brand. That is why we only use automation tools as a complement for our SIM method.

This emotional connection begins when you create valuable content for your customers. That is when you clients fall in love with your brand, when you give them more that what they expect.

An Inbounder Success Formula


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